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Thursday, May 29, 2008

No petrol Supercar

There will be another 5Rs hike in Petrol in India. Don't fret on it. I am talking about the same price hike you read in the papers today. The news made me stop purchasing the Suzuki SX4/ Chevrolet Aveo I was potentially eyeing on. The second logical choice was a diesel. I had a look at Maruti swift/fiat Palio multi jet options along with the likes of Hyundai Getz, Renault Logan and Ford Fiesta/Fusion. The sound from the Common rail were a big put off. So what is the alternative?

Reva is there but it really isn't an alternative. It's.......... just there. So I began my Google quest on which car to potentially wait for until I ran into this awesome beauty. The Tesla electric car. Oh'no! you would say. Not Another electric car!!!!! Wait till I tell ye that it does 0-60 miles in 3.9 (equivalent to 96kms) seconds with a 13000 rpm red line to awaken even the dead at heart. It economical too with the company claiming 220 miles( equivalent to 325kms) per charge. The company also goes on to claim a 2cents per mile (a meager 80 paise)
Ohhh wait! don't run with that cheque book just yet. It still on a limited run in the United States and will take another 3-4 years till it makes to India. Until then run your cars on petrol and let loose that gas pedal to enjoy the last litre of the precious gasoline.

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