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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The next big thing.

Today's mobile phones outshine others almost everyday. In such a competitive market one needs to remain above and always.

Motorola is a strong name in the mobile market. Nobody would be surprised by the previous statement as they are the mobile phone inventors. Even better, they gave the world the Razr which is still actually selling in huge numbers 5 years down the line. But Motorola lost is cutting edge after the Razr.

Profit dips, Month after month of losses, quarters after quarters of market share loss, loss in the market leadership, Firing of top management, company divide and sellout talks later comes another marvel from Motorola.

Ladies and gentleman, Please welcome The newest Motorola in town....... Motorola Zine ZN5.
For this one Motorola has gone all out to make sure they get back into the market. A collaboration with Kodak was what Motorola needed to capture the market of camera phones which they lost due to measly 2mp cameras outdone by Market toys of Nokia and somewhat capable Cybershot from SonyEricsson. What I am not much impressed from is the Moto JUIX software. It has great potential but loses out badly to the SE's flash based OS.

The Zine ZN5 boasts 5mp camera with Kodak lens providing 3x optical zoom, auto focus, Macro mode, ISO adjustments, in phone photo editing capabilities and VGA video recording at 30fps.
Other great features include 3.5mm audio jack, 2.4" QVGA screen, morphing keypad, TV-out and USB port with print support. Slight confusion hovers over wi-fi capability which will just make it all the more desirable.

I am actually waiting for this phone since 1 month but no concrete information was available. Pricing on release should be about 400-500 USD which will enable it to capture good market share and become another Razr for the Motorola. Another slew of great phones from Motorola are in the pipeline which makes sense enough for us to wait before jumping for Nokia's

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