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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Even the non enthusiasts will like it.

Via Hemant AR:

Ah yes, the good ol’ pull-the-tablecloth-off-the-table-without-sending-dishes-flying routine. The oldest trick in the book?

Possibly, but BMW has taken it upon themselves to update the classic demonstration in a major way. How ’bout upping the ante with 24 complete place settings around a giant rectangular table? Yeah, that’d do it.

Just how is BMW planning to remove said tablecloth? Using a new S 1000 RR superbike, that’s how. Will it work? Well, it’s really a question of physics, right?

Take 193 horsepower and a 0 to 60 time that’s just shy of 2.9 seconds. Add in one rider with a quick set of wrists and shake well. Garnish with celebratory wheelie.

We highly recommend that you click past the break to see it all go down on video. It’s very much worth your time.

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