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Sunday, March 7, 2010

The new porsche - reinvention of the hero

Whenever the words Geneva and cars are taken togather, it spells one of those bed wetting dreams for automobile enthusiasts. Why not? Manufacturers with cars like the new Lamborghini Superleggera and a hybrid ferrari are going gung ho about the environment making green people happy.

But one hero stands out amongst all. A car to beat Lamborghinis and Ferraris? you might ask. Yes. The new porsche 918 kills with its looks first and then gets picks you up to its level to enable you to talk face to face. Gorgeous looks and maturity are its forte. If you ever saw a post merger Peugeot Citroen Car, this new Porsche will burn it to ground in envy.  And did anyone mention that it's a hybrid?

While many who live by number crunching on paper figures will start complaining, Porsche has taken an excellent route to keep fans happy. Now how about discountinuing the Chayenne? ( I know its a hit but still.)

Here is the pic.

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