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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Five stunts you can learn to do on your motorcycle

Based on my previous articles on motorcycles.

I have come up with another Article. Please do not try this at home and certainly not without proper safety gear and supervision. Proper helmet, jacket and shoes are a must.

PS: I wont be teaching you how to do the stunts as I dont want to be responsible for any injury or fatal accidents. There are numerous pages on the internet to learn stunts anyways. Happy and safe biking to all.

1. Wheelie: The most common of all stunts but not necessarily the easiest. Most rookies learn wheelies with their inability to control the clutch systems on their powerful bikes. Wheelies can be fun when under control and the front tyre can be airborne whenever you wish for however long you wish.

2. Stoppie: While an airborne Front tyre is defined as a Wheelie, an airborne rear tyre is defined as a stoppie. When the powerful front disc brakes are jammed, physics come into play and the bike lurches forward on the suspension bring the bike up in the air. This can be more dangerous than the wheelies and one needs good strength to hold the bike still with both hands holding the steering tight.

3. Skitching: Special boots with skid plates are needed for this one. Risk level also increases along with the wow factor. These special boots come fitted with metal bases which blow sparks on the road when a feet burnout is carried out.

4. Chainsaw/donuts Burnout: Risk level increases to a higher level. With the rider on the ground holding the bikes steering. The Rider Holds the front tyres grip and skidding the rear tyre with his leg as a radius creates a circle around him.

5. Jesus christ : This one makes you feel like god. With the bike at full speed you stand on the fuel tank with your hands spread out. One of the most dangerous stunt out there and should not be carried out on roads.(stern warning)

Please do not endanger the lives of those driving on the road or your own. Most other stunts are variations of these. I will finish off with a wonderful video for you

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